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8th Asian Computational Materials Design® Workshop




0830                       Independent Consultation and Hands-on 


0900                       Lecture: Case-studies (STC MediaLab)


                                CMD Case 1: Dr. Mary Clare Escaño     

                                                        Fukui University


                                CMD Case 2: Dr. Susan Aspera

                                                         NITAC, Japan




1000                       Coffee/Tea Break



1030                       Lecture:

                                Vienna Ab Initio Simulation Package (VASP)

                                Dr. Joaquin Moreno

                                Institute of Technology-Akashi College



1200                       Lunch Break






​​1300                       Hands-on: VASP



​​1500                       Coffee/Tea Break


1530                       Hands-on: VASP



0830                       Independent Consultation and Hands-on 


0900                       Lecture: Case-studies (STC MediaLab)


                                CMD Case 1: Dr. Mary Clare Escaño     

                                                        Fukui University


                                CMD Case 2: Dr. Susan Aspera

                                                         NITAC, Japan




1000                       Coffee/Tea Break



1030                       Lecture:

                                Introduction to DFTB+

                                Dr. Wilfredo Chung

                                De La Salle UNiversity



1200                       Lunch Break






​​1300                       Hands-on: DFTB+



​​1500                       Coffee/Tea Break


1530                       Hands-on: DFT+

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